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Maximising your eligible tax benefits: Data Warehousing Firm

A data warehousing firm based in Munich had made submission for €200,000 of tax relief following advice from their accountants. One of their Board members was surprised at the low amount, given his experience of higher submissions as frequently applied for by TCIS.

When we were asked to analyse this our innovation sessions identified that over €800,000 of tax relief could be applied for.

Their previous submission was withdrawn and the TCIS submission was approved.


  • €800,000 of qualifying expenditure identified. 4x that identified by the firm’s accountants.
  • Only 12 hours of management time required from our client
  • €200,000 of tax relief received.
  • The firm has been able to use the funding received to invest in new equipment with lower power consumption, reduce their carbon footprint, and lower their operating costs..